All Hands on Deck February 4th in Albany!
Make New York State a climate leader with the NYHeat Act
New York State Takes Action With The HEATAct
The blaze of recent Executive Orders at the federal level seek to dismantle the federal government, with particular venom aimed at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In response to these attacks, we must forcefully recommit to keeping our neighbors safe and healthy and demand that our representatives in Albany take meaningful action on climate and environmental justice.
While environmental justice programs that support marginalized communities are under attack at the federal level, your actions at the state and local levels can truly impact the lives of those hardest hit by economic instability, pollution, and climate change. Where to begin? Start by urging your NYS reps to pass the NY HEAT Act with this quick online action! Then join us in Albany on February 4th at Renewable Heat Now’s Albany Rally and Lobby Day!
The NY HEAT Act is critical to transitioning our buildings from fossil fuels to clean heating and cooling technologies like heat pumps. It would also end subsidies for new pipelines and cap utility bills at 6% of income - it's a win-win for people and the planet! But, elected officials need to feel support for this bill from their constituents if they are to stand up to the fossil fuel industry. We need YOU to join us for this rally and advocacy day in Albany! No prior experience is needed, just the willingness to share a brief story about why you want climate action, healthier communities, and lower utility bills.
Tuesday, February 4th, 10:30 am-4:00 pm at the NYS Capitol Building. Register and sign up for buses here
🎤 Hear, Hear! Sane Energy’s Response to Energy & Environment Budget Hearing
With the April 1 state budget deadline approaching, state legislators are conducting hearings to hear from and question agency heads to ensure that funds are used efficiently and effectively to benefit the state's residents.
Sane Energy attended Tuesday’s Energy and Environment Hearing online. Rory Christian, Chair of the Public Service Commission (PSC), which regulates the state’s utilities, and Justin Driscoll, President of the New York Power Authority (NYPA) —the nation's largest public power utility—were in the spotlight. Here is our response to what they said:
The testimonies of Rory Christian and Justin Driscoll reminded us of the power they have to influence policies that affect the well-being of all New Yorkers. Instead of commitments to affordable, renewable energy, what we heard ranged from excuses for the state’s climate goals being out of reach to blatant greenwashing.
Rory Christian praised Governor Hochul’s leadership on clean energy and referenced a draft white paper that calls for zero emissions by 2040. But he neglected to mention that, to date, New York has reduced emissions by only 9% against a goal of 40% by 2030. How many more wildfires will it take to stop the PSC from approving billions of dollars in new fracked gas infrastructure, causing disgraceful increases to our monthly bills? Chair Christian proudly claimed that the PSC saved New Yorkers money by shaving off a few dollars from what the utilities initially requested to fund continued investments in fossil fuel infrastructure. Utility bills are skyrocketing, and we need the PSC to be more than a timid bystander; we need the agency to instruct the utilities they regulate to move rapidly and responsibly off gas to clean, affordable energy.
Just when we thought Justin Driscoll couldn’t do more to undermine NYPA’s development of public renewable power, he stated his support for privatizing public renewables after they are built, a move that would reverse any progress we can make in developing public power. This stance directly contradicts the mission of the New York Power Authority, which is a public agency, and that’s why we are calling for Driscoll’s resignation
Climate Jobs & Justice NYC Mayoral Candidate Forum Next Week
The election for NYC’s next mayor is heating up, and the Democratic primary in June is just around the corner. It's time to find out which candidates are ready to fight for our future!
Join us on Thursday, February 6th, from 6:30 - 8:30 PM as we question the candidates on key issues and the crucial policies our city needs. We will demand that the candidates heed the public outcry and declare their support for shutting down the dangerous National Grid LNG fracked gas facility in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Let's show them that we mean business and that they must commit to action!
Feb 8 & 9: Two Weekend Events to Get Active No North Brooklyn Pipeline Alliance!
Creative workshop for a future No NBK pipeline mobilization, also come join the community and see for yourself what we are up against-
Living Soils Rising Feb 8th
NoNBK Walking Tour Feb 9th
With love,
Kim, Michael, Jeanne, Elliot, JK, Hennessy, and Claire!